Orientation and Bridge Classes
Starting a college causes much anxiety in the mind of new students. We at DAV design orientation program to guide students. Prior to starting of classes, students are given an overview of complete realm of college life, from academics to co-curricular , extra-curricular, sports, extension and social activities. At DAV, we divide the orientation programme for both UG and PG students in Social Science, Arts and Commerce. A team of faculty members under the leadership of our Principal Sir co-ordinates the programme. Our orientation programme as a first step deals with introduction to college life by presenting full view of what college has to offer them. Here we try to guide and give direction to students regarding academic opportunities. A strong view of academic expectations is also given so that the student is better equipped to meet challenges of college and university academics. We also try to acclimatize students to their new surroundings so that they are familiar with physical locations and working of environment. We make them aware about college community including faculty and administration. In this way, we, at DAV, design our orientation programme to answer questions before they are asked and to provide solutions before problem occur. Since orientation programme serves as a foundation for college success, we, with open arms, say “We welcome you dear students and we are glad that you are here!”
Further, a bridge course in the form of bridge classes is conducted every year by the college before commencement of first semester classes in Undergraduate. The main objective of these classes is to bridge the gap between subjects that would be studied at Pre-college level and subjects that the students would be studying in Graduation. The course content is framed in such a way that the students get basic knowledge about the subjects which they would be learning during graduation.
Our objective of bridge classes is to give students the confidence and skill so that they can smoothly and successfully transit to college and new curriculum. These classes are conducted by faculties for students of various disciplines. Apart from this, college also puts in earnest efforts to upgrade our weak students through remedial classes. In these classes, the faculty covers specific topics which students find difficult to understand. This helps the students to enhance their understanding and perform better.