The Department of Commerce, DAV P.G. College is very fortunate to have the first Commerce Laboratory in the entire northern part of India. The Laboratory was inaugurated on 18-01-2015 by Dr. S.D. Singh (Principal, DAV PG College) along with the faculty members of the college.
Objectives of Commerce Lab:
  • The Lab aims to impart practical knowledge regarding:
a) Banking activities (Online A/C opening, NEFT, RTGS, Debit card, Credit card, online application of PAN card etc.)
b) Taxation technique (ITR filling, Form 16, 26AS, Calculation of TDS, GST return etc)
c) Stock Market Trading (Opening of DMAT A/C as well as stock trading activities on NSE & BSE platforms).
  • Other important objectives of the Commerce Lab include organizing workshops and training programmes for students and research scholars on research methodology and other statistical softwares like SPSS and R.
 The systems are fully equipped with the latest version of software such as SPSS, R, Eviews and Stata. The Lab is equipped with 51 computer systems with a seating capacity of around 75 students. It has 1 motorized projector screen, 1colored printer and 1 LCD screen.
Department of AIHC & Archaeology, DAV PG College, Varanasi has a purpose-built laboratory for archaeological sciences. The under-graduate and post-graduate courses cover the prehistoric and proto-historic human past in India, Europe and Africa. The scope of our teaching is global and it covers both theory and practical in archaeology. Students gain essential hands experience from the artefacts housed in the museum of the department during their practical classes. The Museum has a large collection of Prehistoric artefacts that have been collected during archaeological field-work over a long period of time. In the second year (IIIrd semester), PG students of numismatics specialization are involve in numerous practical methods like coin making by plaster of paris etc. They also have to practice conservation and preservation of coins from rusting and patina. They learn about the chemicals used in conservation and preservation of antiquities.  Again in the Second year (IVth semester), PG students of archaeology goes through a field training. The students along with their teachers visit the ongoing excavations site to learn the basic pattern of field archaeology. Identification of potteries, antiquities and methods of excavations and explorations are being taught to the students. After returning from the field trip, the students analyze the data and are required to prepare a field report. Pottery drawing is one of the major work conducted in our laboratory, for which we use to invite the experts of this field from other universities too. The students are also engaged in Epigraphy practical in which they learn the basics of Epigraphy. Understanding, identification and writing various scripts like Bramhi, Kharosthi and decipherment is being taught in the laboratory. Further, there are number of researchers pursuing Ph.D. in our department working on different topics in archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy and historiography.
Communication is the natural tendency of humankind and in the era of globalization effective communication is the key to success and vital part of human life.Language Lab_english Department of English, DAV PG College established its “Language Laboratory” in the year 2011 in order to enhance the skill of communication of the students and to prepare them for facing global challenges by building their capacity to learn language and art of communication. The Language Lab is equipped with Orell DLL, the world’s most recognized Language Lab software.  The smart version of the software is installed on 21 computers i.e. for 20 students + 1 Teacher to teach phonetics, phonology, English Language grammar and to develop LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) skills of the learners. Linguistical barrier is the greatest barrier in terms of communication, keeping this view the software is chosen which offers different self-learning modules on functional English, Advanced communication skills, soft skills etc.
The Psychology Laboratory was established in 1956. It is equipped with the latest and advanced facilities to help in building the integration of the theoretical understanding of the issues by contextualizing and personalizing through or with the practical experiences in order to consolidate and enhance the knowledge and skills of psychology students, academicians and researchers.


• To facilitate academic, practical and research training.
• To help in learning experimentation and analysis process
• To develop practical skills and increase understanding of the nature of science
• To enhance research orientation in students
• To facilitate the use of methodological tools for analyzing psychological dimensions
• To get a greater insight about self and seek directions for improvement
• To develop the skills for administering and interpreting various tests and equipments
• To collect data through various equipments and tests and utilize data in different pragmatic ways.

Major Psychological Equipments and Tests:

 GSR Bio-feed back
 AIIMS Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery in Hindi
 Multi- Behaviour Sex Therapy
 BINET-SIMON Intelligence Test
 Bhartiya Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
 Fingure Dextarity Test
 Blind Spectacles
 Herman Rorschch Psychodiagn ( 11th edition )
 Wechsler Adult Performance ( Intelligence Scale )
 Neo Personality Inventory – Revised
 PGI Battery Brain Disfunction
 Rorschah Record Blank
 Thematic Apperception Test
Besides them, several other facilities and equipments are also available.


• To enhance the understanding level of different psychological dimensions in students, academicians, and researchers as well.
• The budding psychologists may also carry out high-quality research activities by using latest and advanced psychological tests and equipments.
• To acquaint with various tools for measurement of relevant dimensions of performance (Achievement, Intelligence, Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Motivation, Personality etc.).
• It is very useful for the students of PG Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy to have a pragmaticapproach
• To provide a organized and systematic environment for the students dissertation projects.
• To provide psychometric assessment for students of other departments to help them in career guidance and healthy life style.
The ECON Lab (ECONOMICS LAB) at DAV PG College has access to the most recent technology and an updated database for research and teaching in Economics. Syllabus relating to the courses in Economics papers provides theoretical and basic knowledge and also requires the practical application of the same, and thus, necessitates for imparting the software packages and basic training to the students inresearch methodology. The efforts of Department of Economics will be to train students at the Undergraduate, Post Graduate & Research levels in the methods and ideas of modern economics and to conduct both basic and applied research in economics along with multidisciplinary approach that pushes forward the frontiers of knowledge in the field and meet the present challenges/requirements of the country.

Aim :

  • To organize Workshop and Training Program for UG, PG and PHD students.
  • To organize Value Added Course for UG, PG and PHD students.
  • To organize Practical Sessions on Econometric Analysis for UG, PG and PhD students.
  • To organize Faculty Development Program.
  • To organize hands on sessions on Handling of Large Scale Data.

Infrastructure :

  • Eighteen Computers installed
  • Thirty-Six Seating Capacity
  • Software’s : R , STATA, SPSS, G Power, Microsoft Office
  • Updated database of the following: NSS, ASI, NFHS, DLHS, PLFS.

Activity :

  • Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Program (ESDP)
  • Handling of large scale NSS data