1. (a)Title of the Practice:
Promotion of ICT Practices
(b) Objectives of the Practice:
To promote ICT Practices and computer literacy, a separate unit / Department of UGDCA (Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications) within the premises of DAV PG College is functioning for the past years. In addition most of the Faculty Members are computer literate and deliver lectures through power point presentations and other ICT tools.
(c) The Context:
The College is well aware about the fast changing environment. In this dynamic world, if we want our students to compete and survive then we must provide computer proficiency to our students besides their regular course material. To enhance the computer literacy among our Students the College planned to promote computer literacy through introduction of a three year UGDCA Programme, which adds no extra time burden on our students.
(d) The Objective:
The DAV PG College, through Centre of UGDCA (Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Application) ensures that the basic knowledge, skills and the required training to all the registered students of various fields are provided on a continuous basis. This diploma course runs simultaneously with their regular graduation, thus adding no extra time-burden to our students.
(e) Evidence of Success:
As many as 80% or more students enrolled in every session in various departments of this college are registered under UGDCA. So every year the college is successfully providing basic skills in computers to its students on a large scale. On an average 400 students are passing out every year with UGDCA certificates, along with their respective regular degrees.
(f) Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
The establishment of the UGDCA Department in DAV PG College was not an easy task. Prior approval from Banaras Hindu University was taken to run this programme. In the absence of funds from BHU, the College runs this programme on ‘self-financing’ basis.
(g) Responsible:
UGDCA – Centre (‘Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications’)and IQAC, DAV PG College.