- Limit to growth theory – MA by Dr. Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Population studies Fertility Concept and Meaning – Sem V by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Optimum Theory of population – BA Economics sem V by Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Population Pyramid – BA Sem V by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Fertility trends in developed and developing countries – BA sem V by Dr. Anoop Mishra (Economics)
- Components of Population – MA sem III by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Demographic change and social and economic implications MA III Sem Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Demographic Transition Model Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Determinants and consequences of migration MA sem III by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Identification of population data and its sources MA III and BA V sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Liebenstien’s Critical minimum theory – MA sem III by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- MA sem III Economics , Population by Dr Anoop Mishra (Economics)
- MA sem III Economics, Population studies by Dr Anoop Mishra (Economics)
- MA sem III population stidies Natural Theory of Population by Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Malthusian Theory M A III Sem by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Marx theory of surplus value MA sem III Population studies by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Measurements of the population changes M A III Sem by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Mortality measures B A V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Optimum theory of population – Anup Kumar Mishra , BA sem V (Economics)
- Population Studies 1 Specialised paper – Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Size,composition and distribution of population global perspective MA by Dr. Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Trends and factor effecting mortality in MDC and LDC BA V sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Introduction of research method and methodology B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Concept of fertility and Nuptality and its measures Part 1 MA III Sem by Dr Anup Mishra (Economics)
- Other measures of Nuptality and its effect ( part 2) – M.A. III Sem. by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Population composition and its effect part 2 B A V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Population growth, composition and distribution part 1 B A V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra (Economics)
- Concept of fertility and Nuptality and its measures Part 1 M A III Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Descriptive , Analytical and Fundamental Research B A VI Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Fertility measures and factors effecting fertility M A III Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Health Statistics and its importance B A V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Other measures of Nuptality and its effect part 2 M A III Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Population composition and its effect part 2 B A V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Population growth,composition and distribution part 1 BA V Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Push Pull factors and Lee’s theory of migration M A III Sem by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Ravenstiens Law of Migration M A by Dr Anup Kumar Mishra
- Concept and construction of Life table – B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Concept of Mortality and its measures by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Harris – Todarro Rural Urban migration model – M.A. III Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Historical Research Approach – B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Issues of urbanisation – M.A. III Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Objectivity and subjectivity – B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Positivism and Scientific methods of research – B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
- Review of literature – B.A. V Sem by Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra
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