1. Mental Health Care & Career Counselling Centre:
  • The college offers mental health care and career counselling to help students develop
    a graceful and fall filling personality.
  • Helping students to improve their self care habits.
  • To help the students to understand themselves thoroughly,
  • To develop resilience techniques to overcome their cognitive, emotional, behavioral
    and social challenges.
  • Helping the students to achieve mental and emotional well being state.
  • To enable the students to take decisions about their careers, education, and life.
  • Helping to create an action plan to fit changes into daily life
  • Provide guidance to help students cultivate a positive self image, emotional well
    being and coping strategies for the challenges of life.


  • Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the
    stresses of life and realize their abilities.
  • It has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to well-being.
  • Mental health provides the students coping mechanisms to overcome anxious or
    stressful life events.
  • Using psychological techniques to assess aptitudes, abilities, values, and interests of
    students for exploring best career opportunities.
  • Helping to identify factors that influence career development

Evidence of Success:

  • These programmes helped to enhance individual, emotional, social and professional
  • Increased the living pattern of healthy life style
  • Helped to develop mental, emotional and behavioural wellbeing states.
  • Enlightened to explore aptitude to best career options and job opportunities.
  • Increased the level of self-consciousness to best career options.

2. Life Skills and Values Development Programmes:

  • The departments of the college have designed various life skills and values
    development courses/certificates to bridge the gap between the theoretical part of
    curriculum and requirements to have practical knowledge to deal with day-to-day life
  • Helping the students to enhance life skills with values to be able to apprehend and
    apply their knowledge to encounter as well as resolve their real life challenges.
  • To train the students to have an experiential learning and having opportunity to attain
    the pragmatic knowledge to live a purposeful life.
  • To provide motivated environment to explore their hidden potential and develop self-
    reliant personality.


  • Life skills and values work as a driving force to encounter challenges effectively and
    attain the purposeful goal successfully.
  • It is the need of hour to acquire theoretical knowledge as well as additional and
    pragmatic approach to make the life meaningful as well as successful.
  • All the students need to engage themselves to enhance their talent and be not only the
    part of the race but to win it.
  • In this process of enhancement, the students need to acquire various types of skills
    and techniques to deal with day-to-day life challenges to get ready for the job opportunities.

Evidence of success:

  • These programmes helped to enhance knowledge with practical approach.
  • It helped to develop a positive personality trait.
  • Increased the level of self-awareness to build up purposeful life-orientation.
  • Increased potential to think the dimensions of occupational life.
  1. Digitalization of college portal as per NEP2020

DAV PG College has always been a trend setter in academics and allied activities. National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) has relevantly mentioned the importance of technology in education and has encouraged institutions to go digital to improve the quality of education. On the same guidelines DAV has taken this initiative. All the relevant data related to students, teachers, credits, details have been bought on one portal so that all the information can be assessed at clicks. This initiative will make the formalities and process smooth and easier for all the stakeholders. This initiative has helped in personalizing and flexible learning experiences for students. With the use of technology, students are able to access educational materials and resources on their own terms, at their own pace, and in a way that best suits their learning style. Technology has also acted as a tool for support of professional development for faculty and staff, as well as to enhance their teaching practices.
* Goal: The goal is to make all the stakeholders connected to each other and to initiate prompt action for all. It is a genuine attempt for academic welfare of students and faculty members. The overall purpose is holistic development in academia and simplifying the things for all and connecting our college on the guidelines of NEP2020.
*Context: The College has always been focusing on enriching its resources and technology has been an important blend of it. The institution has always centered on enriching its technology according to the requirement of the market and resources and this is an important step towards it.
*Practices: All the departments from Arts, Commerce and Social Science is now relevantly focusing and practicing on different aids and dimension of online portal. The students and teachers have regularly been practicing it and well aided to all the aspects to it.
   *Evidence of success: All the stakeholders are now well versed with different dimensions of the portal and this has proven as an asset for all the stakeholders. This step has acted on a positive note for the students, non-teaching and teaching staff. All the stakeholders have started contributing in a positive way because of this initiative and have added values in their academia.
  1. Promotion of Sanskrit in the religious city of Varanasi

 DAV PG College has always been proud of its roots, culture and practice. The college has taken initiative to promote local and intellectual language of Kashi i.e. Sanskrit. Certificate course on topic such as Vedic mathematics has been initiated to make a perfect blend of culture and knowledge. Number of seminars, conferences, and workshop has been conducted with the students to spread the relevance and importance of Sanskrit in the 21st century. Students from different department’s i.e. Arts, Commerce and Social Science participated with full zeal and dedication in this process. This initiative is also considering the guidelines of NEP 2020, adapting to local language and culture.
* Goal: The aim of the objective is to promote local language amongst all the related people of the people. This initiative focuses on enabling the students to understand the roots and culture of city to the students and be proud of it.
*Context: This context has encouraged student and faculty members to learn different dimensions of the culture and society.  This has acted as an important tool for all the students of the college to understand the relevance of language and its impact on the society. It has covered different aspects of culture, society and academia and makes them understand its relevance.
*Practices: The College has initiated different actions and steps for development of the language. It has conducted orientation, workshop, seminar, and conferences on different themes to make them aware regarding the relevance. The Alumni of the Sanskrit Department is world renowned because of their skills and capabilities. Students from different department have actively participated and took keen interest in learning the language and promoting it.
*Evidence of success: This initiative has helped its alumni, students to reach galaxy of success. The students and alumni’s have represented College at different platform and make them proud of it. Students have enhanced their knowledge from Vedic mathematics to different ailments of culture and society. Altogether this has brought a very impact on the college and the society.


Keeping in mind academic welfare and holistic development of the students various activities are organized under students’ forum of the different departments of the College. DAV PG College believes in developing and continuing such forums which can boost up the morale, productivity and creativity of students in various disciplines such as socio-political, economic, linguistical and cultural.


DAV PG College always endeavours to provide such opportunities and platforms to its students through which they can learn different skills related to their subjects and develop interdisciplinary approach. Activities covered under students’ Forum are of varied nature from psycho-therapy to mental health awareness programmes, debates on different political issues like foreign policies, students’ seminar on literary topics, discussion on socio-cultural issues, Business plan, Symposium on Budget, Workshops on skill development in terms of career. The Programmes designed by different departments under Students’ Forum to enrich the perspectives of students in terms of their subjects and to make them learn practical aspects as well. For instance, Department of Economics under “Eco-Voice” organized one month workshop on “Communicative Skill” in which students are not only given training of communication but also, they are taught specific vocabulary of economics.


The program organized by social, arts and commerce faculty under Students’ Fourm were a means to provide opportunity to students belonging to respective fields to gain something specific in pursuit of their future goal and aspirations and at the same they can be inter-disciplinary. Following are the details of different department’s Forum:
1. Eco-Voice (Economics)
2. SPARS, Voice of Commerce (Commerce)
3. Samajiki (Sociology)
4. Republica (Political Science)
5. Virasat (History)
6. Psychogenesis (Psychology)
7. Laureates (English)
8. Sanskriti (AIHC & Archaelogy)

Evidence of Success:

Students in large number took interest in this practice. They regularly participated in the workshop, seminar, debates, essay writing, skill development programmes etc organized by these forums.


Keeping in mind academic welfare of students and faculty members, DAV PG College started concept of in-house Symposia programme where after every fifteen days on regular basis on different topic different departments’ faculty members are given an opportunity to discuss the topics which offer challenge to the presenters and demand exhaustive research and study. The aim of the College is to encourage and enhance the teaching-learning practices.


DAV PG College always endeavours to launch such practices which can upgrade and enrich its faculty members in terms of learning and research. Faculty members selected those topics which are undoubtedly from their subjects but at the same time approach was inter-disciplinary. For example, “Orientalism” was chosen as the topic of discourse from English Department which included literary, socio-cultural and economic perspectives, therefore it encompassed in its territory wide range of scholarship. However, in pursuit of its success and vision, it demanded extra inputs from the faculty members apart from their teaching-learning routine, research publications etc. The visionary attempt of the College is fruitful for current and future faculty members. It provides an opportunity and platform to the faculty members to learn and impart their knowledge in the gatherings of intellectuals and further same knowledge is to be employed to build the capacity of young minds.


DAV PG College scheduled discourses on different topics from the departments of Arts, Social and Commerce. Apart from faculty members research scholars are also allowed to be part of the forum as audience. This platform is an attempt and a step towards sustenance of the goal of Higher Education in terms of maintenance of quality teaching and services. The aim of the programme was to fulfill the need of symposia on regular basis.

Evidence of Success:

Although presence of the faculty members is not mandatory still it is always at its maximum. The most interesting section of the “Pakshik Goshthi” is the discussion in which everyone is given space to put forth his/her view point. Research scholars and teachers do brain-storming on chosen topics which bring into being new perspectives and paves path for new researches.


DAV PG College believes that neighbourhood planning should be fully inclusive within the community. Everyone should be given an equal right to have their views heard and respected. Good community engagement can build new relationships and links, and reinforce existing ones. Therefore, the college through different programs like Youth Friendly Centre (funded by SIFPSA), NSS, NCC, Field Surveys, Industrial Tours etc try to reach wider groups with differing views and those who often do not get their voices heard such as younger people, people living in remote rural areas or those whose first language may not be English. The basic objective behind conducting such community engagement activities is to understand about the local issues, to establish mutual trust, to know about and understand how complex some of the local issues may be and finally give valuable suggestions.


DAV PG College believes that community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people. It is a powerful vehicle through which the college can bring environmental and behavioural changes that will improve the health of the community and its members.


Under community engagement, the following activities are conducted by the college on a regular basis:
  1. NSS
  2. NCC
  3. Youth Friendly Centre
  4. Field Survey
  5. Industrial Tour

Resources Required:

All the resources (Monetary & Non – Monetary) required are fully funded by the college.


It has been observed that the students have shown keen interest in understanding the quality initiatives / programmes of the college related to community engagement. A large number of initiatives (mentioned below) have contributed in a significant manner:
  • Q – Club: the college has established a “Q – Club” to address the mental and physical well-being of the students studying at graduation and PG level.
  • A Facebook page for the institution has been created with the idea of posting details of the activities of the college related to community engagement.
  • Large number of social awareness programmes such as, “Blood Donation Camp”, “Green India – Clean India”, “Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao”, “Sugamya Bharat Abhiyaan” etc. has been conducted.
  • Training camps on regular basis is organised by the NCC Unit of our College.
  • The students of our college are encouraged to visit the industries / companies so that they may know about the actual working culture. Students visited PARAG DAIRY of Ramnagar, BRITANIA Biscuit, BISLERI Ramnagar factory of Varanasi and observe the working culture of those companies.
  • The students are encouraged to participate in field surveys and collect valuable data related to the socio-cultural and economic matters.

 Problems Encountered:

In implementing all the above programmes, no serious problems were encountered.


The college considers ‘Digital India’ programme as a landmark initiative of the central government as it transforms India into a knowledge-based economy and digitally empowered society. The college believes that National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) of the central government should get adequate support from higher education institutions. In line with this, the college has facilitated its campus to transform and further digitalize its teaching learning process. Further with the pandemic on hit, hybrid mode has facilitated the faculty to deliver and share its knowledge with the students without a break. Based on the national philosophy “IT +IT =IT” (India Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow), the management and IQAC of the college aims to:
  • To take classes in hybrid mode
  • To impart technology-based education to the students.
  • To enhance the digital infrastructure of the college to promote online learning
  • To establish a recording studio for online lectures
  • To encourage research scholars to publish articles and research papers in the national and international journals
  • To develop applications to enhance transparency in various processes.


Keeping the corona pandemic in mind, the College in line with the guidelines of mother university (BHU) decides to resume classes in hybrid mode for the students of final year for this session. The classes in hybrid mode — a mix of both online and offline — will be held for the final year undergraduate and postgraduate students. Whereas, the classes for first & third semester students were taken in online mode.


 For the online classes, the college has established a recording room/studio where all the faculty members record their lectures. The recorded lectures are then published on the internet via the registered YouTube channel which is linked through college website. Further, all the teachers take their online classes from the G-Suit Id’s provided to them by the college administration. The G-Suit Id’s helps to record the online lectures as well as it provides the attendance of the students also. For offline lectures, the students are asked to report their respective classes after following all the covid protocols prescribed the central government. Further, online webinars and online lecture series are also conducted by various departments.


Resources Required:

All the resources (Monetary & Non – Monetary) required are fully funded by the college.


 More than 1000 recorded video lectures have been uploaded on college YouTube website with great number of citations. Further, following the covid protocols prescribed by the central government, large numbers of students were coming on regular basis to attend the offline classes also. All the lectures taken by the faculty members through G-Suit IDs are properly recorded and attendances of the students have also been recorded. The college had created a virtual class room facility for the students for communication of various assignments or any other relevant information. The students can access study materials, power point presentations, video lectures etc. from the college website, Google Classrooms, telegram group, official WhatsApp groups etc.

Problems encountered:

 In implementing all the above programmes, no serious problems were encountered.

1. Title: Webinars During COVID 19

Goal:  In the entire world when no one was untouched by the unleashed crisis of COVID 19, the objective of organizing Webinars on the Pandemic was to encourage intellectuals and academicians to produce significant researches to enhance their vision. It was to boost up the morale, productivity and creativity of students and academicians in various disciplines such as socio-political, economic, linguistical and cultural.
ContextDAV PG College always endeavors to utilize time to the optimum level. In its arena it covered from lesson of psycho-therapy, mental health, use of term physical distancing in place of social distancing, disturbances in socio-political and economic order to the emergence of new culture and new normal. Under the UGC Quality Mandate Notification, D.O. No1-3/2020(CM) Dated 28th March 2020, the Web-conferences and Web- workshops are designed not only to talk about lock-down and its lethal consequences but to benefit and enrich perspectives of students and researchers. For instance, Web- workshop on English Communication Skill and Personality Development and a ten-day Workshop cum training programme on learning of Sanskrit Language were to provide all the students an opportunity to enhance their communication skill to seek better prospect in their career. Personality Grooming is inevitable part of education for the achievement of cherished dreams.
PracticesThe webinars organized by social, arts and commerce faculty were a means to provide opportunity to students belonging to respective fields to gain something specific in pursuit of their future goal and aspirations and at the same they can be inter-disciplinary. Paper reading sessions on web were an unique feature in the time of crisis to sustain goal of higher-education.
Evidence of SuccessStudents, researchers and academicians took interest in this practice tremendously. They regularly participated in the Web-conferences and Web-workshops.

2.   Title: Uploading of Videos based on Syllabi on You Tube Channel During Pandemic, COVID 19

Goalkeeping in mind academic welfare of students and prime duty of faculty members in the Corona period it has been started. DAV PG College believes in establishing academic forum for the students from where large number of students can be benefitted.
ContextIn the time of crisis education sector suffered a lot due to lack of infra-structure, planning and vision. But DAV PG College immediately after outbreak of Corona and declaration of lock-down in India started its You Tube Channel on 19th March 2020, to upload Videos based on curriculum to teach students uninterruptedly and to make them feel connected to their teachers. However, in pursuit of its success and vision, it demanded extra inputs from the faculty members such as rigorous process of recording lectures and technical handling etc. Uploading more than 30 videos in a day on You Tube Channel was really challenging for our technical team but efficient team members handled it well. The visionary attempt of the College is fruitful for current and future students as well. It provides an opportunity and platform to the faculty members to impart their knowledge on global level.
Practices: DAV PG College uploaded Videos on its You Tube Channel more than 1150 during lock down period to impart knowledge to the students in detail on a given topic. This channel is an attempt, platform and a step towards sustenance of the goal of Higher Education in terms of maintenance of quality teaching and services. The aim of the Channel was to provide substitute of classes where they can download videos and time and again, they can play it as per their need and suitability.
Evidence of Success:  Viewers of the Channel are in lakhs. Uploaded Videos are viewed repeatedly not only by our students but also students of other colleges and universities as they have mentioned in comment box their identity. In order to make it more interesting our comment section is opened for public where students and viewers ask questions and respective faculty members reply to the same.
1. (a)Title of the Practice:
Promotion of ICT Practices
(b) Objectives of the Practice:
To promote ICT Practices and computer literacy, a separate unit / Department of UGDCA (Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications) within the premises of DAV PG College is functioning for the past years. In addition most of the Faculty Members are computer literate and deliver lectures through power point presentations and other ICT tools.
(c) The Context:
The College is well aware about the fast changing environment. In this dynamic world, if we want our students to compete and survive then we must provide computer proficiency to our students besides their regular course material. To enhance the computer literacy among our Students the College planned to promote computer literacy through introduction of a three year UGDCA Programme, which adds no extra time burden on our students.
(d) The Objective:
The DAV PG College, through Centre of UGDCA (Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Application) ensures that the basic knowledge, skills and the required training to all the registered students of various fields are provided on a continuous basis. This diploma course runs simultaneously with their regular graduation, thus adding no extra time-burden to our students.
(e) Evidence of Success:
As many as 80% or more students enrolled in every session in various departments of this college are registered under UGDCA. So every year the college is successfully providing basic skills in computers to its students on a large scale. On an average 400 students are passing out every year with UGDCA certificates, along with their respective regular degrees.
(f) Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
The establishment of the UGDCA Department in DAV PG College was not an easy task. Prior approval from Banaras Hindu University was taken to run this programme. In the absence of funds from BHU, the College runs this programme on ‘self-financing’ basis.
(g) Responsible:
UGDCA – Centre (‘Under Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications’)and IQAC, DAV PG College.