Two days National Seminar on26-27 Feb2021 on “Transforming India: Issues and Challenges Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi in offline mode with 125
participants from various states of India. Chief Guest Prof. R.P. Pathak Retd. Dean FSS and Ex. Head Dept. of Political Science BHU, Key note Speaker Prof. B.K. Nagla Eminent Retd. Prof. of Sociology MD University Rohtak, Guest of Honor Prof. D R Sahu Ex. Head Dept. of Sociology, Lucknow University. Symposia by Prof. D R Sahu and Prof. Badri Narayan Director GB Pant SS Institute, Allahabad, Prof Ajit Pandey Ex. Head Dept. of Sociology, BHU Valedictory Session Key note Speaker Prof. Girishwar Mishra Ex. V C MGAH University Wardha, Chief Guest Prof. Badri Narayan Director GB Pant SS Institute, Allahabad, Prof. S B Singh Vice-Principal DAV PG College, Prof. Rama Shankar Tripathi Ex Head MGKVP, Varanasi, Dr. V. D. Rai Head Dept. of Sociology DAV PG College, Dr. Sushma Mishra Convener of seminar.
“Origin and Development of Sociology” on 16/12/2020 by Emeritus Prof. A. K. Kaul, Department of Sociology BHU.
Through Capitalism, he talked about the Supremacy of Europe on the world, while deliberating about the establishment and renaissance in society via science. He explained the development of society along with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Later on explained the formation of society.![](
Two days National Webinar Jointly Organized by Department of Commerce, Economics, Sociology, DAV PG College, Varanasi. on 20-21 April 2020 Topic “Corona Calamity its Social and Economic consequences on India”. Emeritus Prof Ashok Kaul, Department of Sociology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. this paradigm that some countries are freer from fear than others. This pandemic has cast dark shadows on the powerful, lucrative and destructive big armaments industry. The futility of global defense, vulnerability of biological warfare and capacity of mutual destruction irrespective of might, size race or religion are wide open. Even, a tiny individual can create havoc to the entire existence, if the virus would be air borne.
China had announced its arrival with OROB, now it has put its seal of hegemony on the arrival and departure of civilizations datebook. Europe and the U S are humbled faceless in its mirror, when its big markets, super technologies, surveillance mechanisms, free flow markets and spaces of recreation all have come to stand still ecological balancing is now an imperative. Good Public gatherings and show up consumerism and ritualism, which had robbed for mutual trust with market rationale, will have further trust deficit concerns. Travel checkups would need not only checks of hardware, but also inside software as well. Health and education will come under national security priority concerns. This is a change in paradigm, which will be named post COVID, new normal.
Professor Vivek Kumar (JNU.) Topic- Corona virus pandemic Socio-cultural in Psychology Implementation One concept in is the virus, virus is the small organism which is visible only true microscope and there who people are not able to comprehend that how big this problem can be so biologically it is a intracellular parasites which cannot develop so on but it on the cells of body. So, it is very important to understand that a virus is different from bacteria. Bacteria can multiply and virus can not so there are and who no some 13 types are viruses of are in previlentin Indian subcontinent and we have been listening these viruses like hepatitis B like Missel virus like Mams virus like polio virus even HIV has been there so you know this type of viruses is keep on coming and keep on visiting society it is up to society. How they and this Perfect virus is particular type of virus which actual has come from Cov2 which is important to understand because it’s a group of viruses and there has known be any medicine for are to fight very very dangerous for ask to talk with.
The academicians who expressed their views on various aspects of research were Prof. Vivek Kumar, JNU, New Delhi, Prof. Badri Narayan Director GB Pant SS Institute Jhusi, Allahabad, Prof. Rama Shankar Tripathi, Prof. Manish Kumar Verma, BBAU Lucknow, Prof. AP Singh, Head Dept of Sociology, BHU, Prof. Brajesh Kumar Singh. Head Dept. of Sociology,
M.G.K.V.P. Varanasi Prof. R P Dwivedi Gandhian study centre, M.G.K.V.P. Varanasi Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai, Faculty of Education BHU.
“Theories of Post Modernity in Sociology” on 17/09/2019 by Emeritus Prof. A. K. Kaul Department of Sociology BHU.![Theories of Post Modernity in Sociology_sociology](
Orientation Lecture on06/09/2019 by Prof. Ajit Kumar Pandey, Head, Department of Sociology BHU for UG and PG students. In the beginnings of his lecture, he encouraged to read English books along with Hindi, for better understanding of the situation and practicality in sociology. He said that more quality writings are found in English books and said that Positivism dominated sociology till the 1960s, after that Explanatory Sociology proposed by Weber, divided Sociology in two parts Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology. All these newly generated theories opposed Positivism, followed by the birth of a new discipline in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which is known as Postmodernism or Post structuralism.
Orientation lecture on 01/09/2018for UG and PG students on the Topic “Indian Social Thought” by prof. Sanad Kumar Sharma, Head, Central University of Gaya, Bihar. By his deliberation he told us that today tolerance is running out from us, so the Society is seen in danger. Society also has its own principles. Institutions of ancient Indian society, like Varna, Ashrams, were pillar of practical Knowledge. The western culture is posed on Indian society. India has its own glorified culture of prosperity.
“Popular Culture and Modernization” on 23/08/2018by Prof. Sanjay Mishra from Adigrat University, Ethiopia. He said that Folk culture
is the most comfortable and accessible to all. Social media is an evolved form of Folk culture. An example of popular culture is Companies like McDonald’s, which closed their Kitchens where ever they went in the world, but due to the Folk culture in India they are still going through a crisis.
“Stress Management “delivered on 08/11/2017 by Dr. Anil Kumar Srivastava (Psychologist) expressed that music is one of the best ways to reduce anger and stress, and it is necessary to set a goal in life, but decide accordingly and try to full fill it.
The five-day International Web-Workshop consisted of three sessions each day. In the last two sessions only group discussion took place in which experts answered the questions put up by the participants
This Workshop was only for teachers and research scholars with participation from various states.
Reflections of important speakers-
1.Visheshkumar Gupta. Chairperson of U.P. Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Lucknow
(UPSCPCR)- He said that, it is very important to maintain social distance in this time of crisis. It would be more appropriate to use the term physical distance instead of social distance.
- Prof. Paul Streumer. Leiden University, Netherlands. –
Shared his experience in the context of India and said that this pandemic has become a challenge in a region like Jharkhand. He said that it is very important to stop it is from spreading in a populous country like India.
- Prof. Manvendra Pratap Singh. H.O.D, Sociology, DDU Gorakhpur University. Member Managing Committee, Indian Sociological Society. – He said that we are getting some lessons from this disaster. In the economic phase of globalization and neo-liberalization, earlier there was a view that if the trade starts, the war will end. The central and state government are trying their best to get out of this disaster. The need is to establish a relationship between the government and civil society.
- Prof. Manish K.Verma. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. –
He outlined the nature of environment etc and the effect of corona virus on the environment.
5. Prof. Brajesh Kumar Singh. H.O.D. Sociology,M.G.K.V.P. Varanasi. –
He discussed both the negative and positive sides of this pandemic. He said that environmental pollution, noise pollution, pollution from industrial establishments has come down because of the lockdown. There is a massive reduction in the crime rate also because of lockdown.
6. Dr. Christiane Wagner. Sao Paulo University, Brazil. –
She Appreciated the health workers who are working for the country putting their personal life aside. She said that we should all be thankful to all those people who are working tirelessly for us.
7. Emeritus Prof. Ashok Kaul. ,BHU, Varanasi.-
He said because of COVID a trend of de- globalization has started. But there is a possibility that in future globalization will be back to surface. After 30-40 years the refresher movement will come and we will see the change.”
- Prof. K.K. Mishra. Political Science, Dean -Social Science, B.H.U.-
He said that in this Pandemic, the life of the world has changed, the basis of personal relationships has changed, the trend of worship has changed, none of us have seen such a pandemic, this pandemic has given the slogan to “return to the village.”
9 .Mr. K.P. Singh. (Inspector General of Police), Prayagraj(Range),Prayagraj.-
He mentioned that this pandemic has given a new definition to society. Distance because of lockdown has increased, there is a social change, but technology has increased creativity. It will be a challenge to eliminate untouchability in a scientific way. This Pandemic has emerged as a new challenge for the policemen. Covid-19 has taught a new lesson to the policemen. The image of the police has changed to a great extent.
- Dr.SatyaGopalji. HOD, Psychology, DAVPG College. –
He said that the outbreak of Covid-19 has increased the mental stress of the people. Being happy and feeling good is considered a sign of good mental health, but the Pandemic has changed this definition in the context of the youth who are engulfed into negative thinking about their future because of less physical interaction. Many mental illnesses are coming to the surface because of this pandemic.
11. Prof. Apostolos G. PaPadopoulos. (Harokopio University), Greece-
He said that creating physical distance after Covid-19 and preventing the gathering of migrants will present a major challenge that may lead to the creation of another wave. He compared Covod-19 with another pandemic and said that even though Covid-19 has very low mortality rate, but its infection rate is much faster due to which developed countries like America are unable to cope up with it.
- Prof. Diwakar Singh Rajput. H.O.D. Sociology, Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University Sagar, ( M.P.) –
He said that this Pandemic will require counseling mainly for mental stability and it should starts from our family. We need to establish social, family, and personal harmony. He said that now it is the time to go back to the village and to return to the joint family.
13.Prof. AbhaAwasthi. Ex.H.O.D. Sociology, Lucknow University Lucknow. –
She said, environment and nature are dependent on each other. The rough or gentle form of the earth depends on the balance of the environment. We have started giving more importance to economic growth in the name of social development. We have all become very ambitious due to consumerism.
14. Prof. Jaikant Tiwari.Ex. Dean and Ex. HOD Sociology, B.H.U.-
Discussing the socio-economic aspects of Corona, he said that in the era of globalization, diseases like aids, bird flu etc. have started. Symptoms, causes and treatment of these diseases vary. But one thing is clear that the spread of these diseases can be seen clearly at the international level.
15.Prof. Arvind Joshi.Ex. HOD, Sociology, B.H.U. He also expressed the view that COVID 19 has emerged as a major social challenge for society. People need to follow the norms of social distancing so that we can collectively fight this disease.
16.Dr.Mahesh Shukla.He also expressed the view that we should be optimistic because this is a testing time for all of us.
The group discussion was mainly attened by Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Prof. Arvind Joshi,Prof. Paul Streumer, Prof. Manish K.Verma, Prof. Brajesh Kumar Singh, Prof. Ashok Kaul, Prof. K.K.Mishra, Dr. Satya Gopalji. Prof. Diwakar Singh Rajput and Prof. Abha Awasthi.
Jointly Organized by Indian Society of Criminology & DAVPG College, Varanasi.
*Convener- Prof Diwakar Singh Rajput (Vice President of Indian Society of Criminology)
*Co Convener-Dr. Madhu Sisodia
Even in ancient time, there was law and order which was directly related to our religion. Religion is the best way for society to distinguish between sin and virtue. Through which we can easily understand the difference between right and wrong. He said that there is currently a debate on good law and bad law. But the law is the only one which is clear without prejudice, there should be no distinction between rich and poor and between the law as well as being logical.
Prof. BalrajChauhan -President, Indian Society of Criminology. Vice- Chancellor, Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur (M.P)