Welcome to DAV Post Graduate College

DAV Post Graduate College was established by its mother institution, Arya Vidya Sabha, Kashi. The idea behind its establishment was to open an institution in the heart of the city and under the umbrella of Banaras Hindu University, to cater to the need of the value and skill based education to the students. Two disciples of Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Ji, viz. Pt. Ram Narayan Mishra and Shri Gauri Shankar Prasad were instrumental in establishing the college. The college was established in 1938 as an Intermediate college recognized by Banaras Hindu University. It got degree status from the University in 1947 and permanent affiliation in 1954. The college started running undergraduate courses in the faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, and in 2008 the University allowed…

Prof. Mishri Lal
Acting Principal

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try……” It is my pleasure to welcome you to DAVPG College, an Institution admitted to the privileges of Banaras Hindu University. The evolution of the institute over the past decades has witnessed strong blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure and…

Shri. Ajit Kumar Singh

I consider myself fortunate enough to have been entrusted with the responsibility of being an integral part of a higher educational institution where I help nurture the future generation of our country. The commendable scholastic and…

Principal’s Note
Dr. Satya Dev Singh
Principal, DAV PG College

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try……” It is my pleasure to welcome you to DAVPG College, an Institution admitted to the privileges of Banaras Hindu University. The evolution of the institute over the past decades has witnessed strong blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure and…

Secretary’s Note
Shri. Ajeet Singh
Manager, DAV PG College

I consider myself fortunate enough to have been entrusted with the responsibility of being an integral part of a higher educational institution where I help nurture the future generation of our country. The commendable scholastic and…

Latest News

  • Campus Placement

    We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Training and Placement Cell at DAV PG College! This initiative is dedicated to fostering consistent personal growth while opening up exciting career opportunities. With our guidance and resources, you’ll be empowered to achieve your professional dreams and excel in your chosen field. Click on the given link to register:- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekZE9xof8bzJd-yWDQvkOU1snQc-d7XGHdhCar-N4T5AvybA/viewform?usp=sharing

  • Games & Sports Enrollment

    Click Here for Enrollment in Games & Sports

  • Important Contacts

      - 9453666088    - info1@davpgcvns.ac.in


  • Campus Placement

    We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Training and Placement Cell at DAV PG College! This initiative is dedicated to fostering consistent personal growth while opening up exciting career opportunities. With our guidance and resources, you’ll be empowered to achieve your professional dreams and excel in your chosen field. Click on the given link to register:- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekZE9xof8bzJd-yWDQvkOU1snQc-d7XGHdhCar-N4T5AvybA/viewform?usp=sharing

  • Games & Sports Enrollment

    Click Here for Enrollment in Games & Sports

  • Important Contacts

      - 9453666088    - info1@davpgcvns.ac.in


UnderGraduate Diploma in Computer Applications

As per the recommendations of 11th Plan of U.G.C, we started an Under Graduate Diploma program of B. H. U. (U. G. D. C. A.) in session…

Communicative English

Department of English of DAV PG College has been offering Communicative English as an ad on course to the aspirants of English communication since the session 2010-2011 after being acknowledged and approved by the UGC…

Travel & Tourism Management

DAV PG College offers Certificate, Diploma and Advance Diploma courses on Travel & Tourism Management for the students on the basis of “Learning with Earning”…

Risk and Insurance Management

The College is running Risk and Insurance Management program since 2010-11under the Career Orientation Program of U.G.C. The course offers Certificate, Diploma and Advance Diploma of Banaras…

प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी पत्रकारिता

उपर्युक्त पाठ्यक्रम ‘प्रयोजनमूलक हिंदी पत्रकारिता’ विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग प्रायोजित नियमों के अंतर्गत एक ‘त्रिवर्षीय डिप्लोमा पाठ्यक्रम’ है जिसमे स्नातक स्तर के विद्यार्थी प्रवेश ले सकेंगे. संपूर्ण पाठ्यक्रम कुल छ: सत्रों (सेमेस्टर) व तीन वर्षो का होगा. संक्षेप में इसका स्वरुप अधोलिखित है.

Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling And Psychotherapy

Department of Psychology, DAV PG College offers Post Graduate Diploma courses in counselling and psychotherapy.


There are no upcoming events at this time.

Recent Activities

  • International Conference on Employment, Livelihood and Regional Challenges.

    The conference was a vibrant and engaging platform that brought together 180 participants, with a total of 130 research papers presented. The participants, hailing from various academic and professional backgrounds, contributed to a rich exchange of ideas through both online and offline sessions. The sessions were organized around three critical themes: Employment, Livelihood, and Regional Development Challenges, allowing for in-depth exploration and discussion. Read More...

  • Environment Awareness Program

    As part of the environmental conservation activity undertaken by the government, a group of students under the aegis of DAV.PG College in conduction with Dr. Ahuti Singh of the Department of Economics under the Eco Club (Environmental Committee) reached on 19/11/2024 the Sikhad block of Mirzapur for an environmental awareness and soil conservation program. Read More...

  • Agriculture Challenges and Prospects in India

    Students of Department of Economics organized Eco-Voice over the pressing the issue of “Agriculture Challenges and Prospects in India” for the student of M.A. third semester 2024. The student lead event was conducted at the room no. 201 on 19 october, 2024.This event was organized by Dr. Shalini Singh and Dr. Ahuti Singh. In this event many students came up with their presentation on the several issues as agricultural. Fistly, Rural credt in India by Satendra Yadav. Satyendra Yadav highlighted [...]

  • Enduring Scars: Trauma, Identity, and Survival in Holocaust Literature

    The Department of English at D.A.V. P.G. College, Varanasi, organized an enlightening and thought-provoking National Workshop entitled “Enduring Scars: Trauma, Identity, and Survival in Holocaust Literature.” It was held from October 21 to October 27, 2024 and conducted virtually on the Google Meet platform. This workshop gathered scholars, students, and professionals from various institutions across India, enabling a profound exploration of trauma, identity, and resilience through the lens of Holocaust literature. For more detail Click Here... [...]

Student’s Corner

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From Our Alumni

प्रोफ़ेसर मैनेजर पाण्डेय

पूर्व अध्यक्ष भारतीय भाषा केन्द्र,भाषा संस्थान,जवाहर लाल नेहरू विश्व विद्यालय,नई दिल्ली

मेरे लिए गर्व और गौरव का विषय है कि मैं डी.ए.वी डिग्री कॉलेज का छात्र रहा हूँ। मैं उस समय के शिष्य वत्सल  एवं तेजस्वी गुरुजनो में डॉ. शितिकंठ मिश्र , डॉ.अष्टमुजा पाण्डेय , पंडित रामबलि पाण्डेय और श्री अलाव नारायण राय जैसे विलक्षण व्यक्तित्व के धनि आचर्य थे। इन सभी आचर्यों के प्रातिम व्यक्तित्व से उपजी प्रज्ञा चेतना का विकास मेरी जीवन यात्रा में हुआ और निरंतर विकसित हुआ। इस महा विद्यालय से जुड़े सभी लोगो के प्रति मैं कृतज्ञता ज्ञापित करता हूँ।

प्रोफेसर मेहन्द्र नाथ राय

पूर्व अध्यक्ष हिंदी विभाग एवं प्रमुख कला संकाय , काशी हिन्दू विश्व विद्यालय

1965 -66 एवं 1966 -67 के दो वर्षों की अवधि तक मैं इस वि.दि .का छात्र था एवं सर्वोच्च अंको के साथ मैंने बी.ए. की कक्षा उत्तरीन की थी।  मैं उस समय के शिष्य वत्सल  एवं तेजस्वी गुरुजनो में डॉ. शितिकंठ मिश्र , डॉ.अष्टमुजा पाण्डेय , पंडित रामबलि पाण्डेय और श्री अलाव नारायण राय जैसे लोग थे। इन आचर्यों के अनुरोध पर कभी हम छात्रों के बीच पंडित हजारीप्रसाद द्विवेदी एवं डॉ. श्री कृष्ण लालजी के अभीभासन हुए थे। इन सभी आचर्यों के पवित्र संसर्ग और इनके पवित्र व्यक्तित्व से अपने प्रज्ञा – चेतना का ही उत्तरवर्ती विकास मेरी अगली जीवन यात्रा में हुआ और उस पर शान और धार छड़ी चढ़ी। हमारे पास पवित्र दायित्व है कि अपने इन गुरुजनो की यश:कीर्ति को अपने किसी आचरण एवं व्यवहार  व्यक्तित्व से हम धूमिल न होने दें। अपने  प्राचर्य कृष्णानन्द जी  के काव्य शास्त्रीय अध्यन  एवं अद्धभुत व्यक्तित्व कि स्मृति आज भी मेरी चेतना में बरकरार है।

डॉ देवी प्रसाद द्विवेदी

पद्मभूषण,आचार्यरत्ना, छत्रपति शिवाजी सम्मान, काशी गौरव अलंकरण, वेद पंडित पुरस्कर

सत्र 75-76 में मैं स्नातक में अध्यन के लिये इस महाविद्यालय में नियमित छात्र के रूप में प्रवेश लिया संस्कृत ,हिंदी ,समाज शास्त्र , विषय के साथ एन.सी.सी. कडेट के रूप में प्रतिदिन विद्यालय में आता था। उस समय विद्यालय छोटे स्वरूप में था वर्तमान में विद्यालय ने बड़ा एव साधक स्वरूप ले लिया है पढाई की दृस्टि से उस समय इस विद्यालय में स्नातक कक्षा तक पढ़ाई होती थी आज स्नातकोत्तर स्तर की पढ़ाई उच्च कोटि के विद्द्वानों द्वारा अध्ययन एव अध्यापन चल रहा है। विद्यालय एक साधक स्वरूप ले लिया है ये सब का श्रय प्रो सत्यदेव सिंह को जाता है  प्रो सिंह बुद्धिमई प्रतिमा के साथ एक महा पुरुष है वाराणसी का यह दयानन्द महा विद्यालय उच्चकोटि का शिक्षण संस्थान है।

From Our Alumni